About Me

About me

As children we’re always asked “what do you want to be when you grow up”. My answer was a veterinarian and my best friends answer was a dentist.

Twenty years later I become a diesel mechanic heavenly involved in real-state investing and my best friend becomes a dentist. How did my path divert so far?

Fresh out of high school I attended college with plans of attending veterinarian school; I never made it. I ended up acquiring a bachelors in business management and buying several investment property’s.

A few weeks into my first semester my father made me read a handful of investment books he picked up for free at a local library. The topics ranged from stocks to real-estate investing. I really wasn’t interested in reading any books on such a boring topic-so I thought. The first book I read was Rich Dad Poor Dad, and that book alone changed my perspective on business forever.

From that point on I was hooked, and I continued reading any books related to investing. It soon became my mission to strive for financial freedom and to do everything in my power, to educate those who were unfamiliar with passive investing through real-estate.

I wanted to start purchasing properties right away, I had no money and wasn’t familiar with creative financing. Once I realized how long it would take to become a veterinarian and the amount of student loan debt I would accumulate. I decided to change my direction in life. So, I changed my major to business management, and took up diesel mechanics at a nearby trade-school.

The program was only two years, and it allowed me to make a decent salary. After the program I started working for a transportation agency as a diesel mechanic. Although I was excited about the position and the pay, I felt I had a duty to my siblings to show them that a higher education was achievable.

I thought I would go the normal route of asking my parents to pay for my tuition, dorm, etc.

They promptly stated “my parents didn’t pay for my education and they would do the same”. Although this seemed harsh at the moment, I’m thankful this happened. Because it forced me to be creative and resourceful. Soon after I came up with the idea to purchase a duplex, living in one unit and renting out the other. Doing so eliminated one of our biggest expenses; rent payments.

Once my feet were wet, and I realized how essential passive investing was, I purchased a triplex 5 few years later, soon after I purchased another property and that’s when my investment journey began.

One of my dreams has always been to create a platform were people could come learn about investing in real-estate, and create strategies in their lives that would help them reach their financial goals.

That’s why I started TheWealthIncome, to help inspire, educate and change the way we think about real-estate.